Conegliano / Italy

Limac Design is a brand of Astra, a Company founded in 1998 which produces home accessories. The brand Limac Design is the natural evolution of the brand Firestyle of accessories for stoves and fireplaces which has established itself on the market as leader of the production of leather firewood holders and offers as well Kalamì protection for stoves and fireplaces, a patented product that has redifined the sector of child protection. The items are being produced entirely in Italy by local handicraft masters offering the italian design in the processing of leather and steel for products in respect of the ambiance and available in various fashion colours. The Limac Design is the result of a continuous confrontation between the company, the handicraftsmen and the salesforce regarding the needs of the consumer, offering solutions which make every home unique and authentic. The materials used go from plywood to regenerated leather, from steel to iron, and production is done with ambience compatible ctiterie. ... More ... less
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