In 1997 GREENPIPE Srl was founded by Ponti brothers. GREENPIPE Srl has a widespread network of distribution with a fast and efficient logistical system to reach all the Italian regions, islands included. This means increasing a extensive partnership with the main building distributors and contractors in Italy.

Since its origins GREENPIPE Srl's aim is to offer high quality products for drinkable, irrigation and rain water transport. Since the 2000’s, the company has diversified its activities in water treatment sector including, along with pipes, also drainage channels.

In a short period of time GREENPIPE Srl has developed a wide range of products for any kind of use: from residential zone to more demanding use, such as in harbour areas or airport areas. Today GREENPIPE Srl is one on the Italian leader in collecting rain water.

GREENPIPE Srl is a point of reference for harbour and airport Authorities, engineering offices, contractors and building distributors interested in drainage, treatment and regulation of rain water. GREENPIPE Srl’s support service for Authorities, designers and contractors, is provided by a technical and commercial team who has gained more than a twentyyear-old working experience. ... More ... less




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