CEMENTO NON CEMENTO is an innovative and refined Made in Italy material that exceeds the use of cement in the most advanced interior design projects. Concrete and resins free, it is composed of natural components and fibers, totally biocompatible and emission-free. Stability, reliability, ease to use and beauty are the properties that make CEMENTO NON CEMENTO one of the most interesting materials for designers. It’s made in panels, CONCLAD® and CONCREO®, two products aesthetically very alike but different in performance, for applications sophisticated and always reliable.

Panels with concrete effect

Panels are made of homogeneous solid mass very similar to the cast concrete and they are worked with extreme ease: cut, glued, milled, joined and worked with the same techniques, machinery and tools and also the same hardware used for wood. Moreover, CEMENTO NON CEMENTO is produced in CONCOVER®, original treatment applicable to any materials and objects of any shape and size. ... More ... less

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